Socialism i Tanzania är en samling skrifter från 1966-1967 av Tanzanias president, Julius K. Nyerere. Mwalimu, läraren som han kallas i Tanzania, har ägnat mycken möda åt att försöka utreda begreppet afrikansk socialism och i praktiken omsätta en form av afrikansk socialism i sitt eget land. De tal och skrifter, som här utges, berör huvudsakligen dessa frågor och k...
<p>Contents: Part 1: The Setting – The ideology and and the region -- 1. Ujamaa as an Ideology and a policy – 2. West Lake Region: Socio-economic development – 3. West Lake Region: Ujamaa in the context of agricultural development -- Part 2: Ujamaa Villages in West Lake Region – The problems of social and economic viability, transformation, and participation -- 4. ...
<p>Contents: Part 1: The Setting – The ideology and and the region -- 1. Ujamaa as an Ideology and a policy – 2. West Lake Region: Socio-economic development – 3. West Lake Region: Ujamaa in the context of agricultural development -- Part 2: Ujamaa Villages in West Lake Region – The problems of social and economic viability, transformation, and participation -- 4. ...
<p>Contents: Part 1: The Setting – The ideology and and the region -- 1. Ujamaa as an Ideology and a policy – 2. West Lake Region: Socio-economic development – 3. West Lake Region: Ujamaa in the context of agricultural development -- Part 2: Ujamaa Villages in West Lake Region – The problems of social and economic viability, transformation, and participation -- 4. ...
<p>Contents: Part 1: The Setting – The ideology and and the region -- 1. Ujamaa as an Ideology and a policy – 2. West Lake Region: Socio-economic development – 3. West Lake Region: Ujamaa in the context of agricultural development -- Part 2: Ujamaa Villages in West Lake Region – The problems of social and economic viability, transformation, and participation -- 4. ...