Att studera Afrika är en guide till Afrikastudier inom främst det samhällsvetenskapliga området. Både tryckta och Internet-baserade källor behandlas i denna nya, grundligt uppdaterade upplaga. Boken ger praktisk vägledning till handböcker, databaser, kartor, statistik och en rad andra hjälpmedel för litteratur- och fakta-sökning. Dessutom finns fylliga introduktion...
Contents: <strong>Part 1 Literature searching</strong> -- Bibliographies, article indexes and journal collections -- Databases and library catalogues -- Digital archives, web portals and link collections -- <strong>Part 2 Searching for</strong> <strong>facts</strong> -- <strong> </strong>Country sources -- News services -- Subject related information -- References ...
<p>Contents: <strong>Part 1 Literature searching</strong> -- Bibliographies, article indexes and journal collections -- Databases and library catalogues -- Digital archives, web portals and link collections -- <strong>Part 2 Searching for</strong> <strong>facts</strong> -- <strong> </strong>Country sources -- News services -- Subject related information -- Referenc...
Contents: Part 1: Country specific information -- Basic facts -- Country descriptions -- News watch -- Part 2: Subject related information -- Reference works and yearbooks -- Document texts -- Regional and international organisations -- Biographical information -- Ethnic groups and languages
Studying Africa is an introduction to the basic handbooks and standard works on contemporary Africa. The first part of the book is a guide to searching for literature and facts within the field of the social sciences. It deals with bibliographies, databases, reference works, yearbooks, journals, Internet resources, statistics, maps and official publications. Active...
Contents: Literature searching & searching for facts -- Africa information on the Internet -- Periodicals -- Statistics -- Official publications