[Le pétrole et le Programme post-amnistie (PPA) : quelles perspectives pour le développement durable et la paix dans le Delta du Niger ?] Cet article examine le Programme post-amnistie (PPA) lancé en 2009 suite à la décision de leaders de milices insurgées du Delta du Niger de « laisser tomber les armes en échange de la paix » avec le gouvernement fédéral nigérian....
<p>Ebook published 31 December 2020.</p>
<p>Ebook published 31 December 2020.</p>
In recent years, China and India have become the most important economic partners of Africa and their footprints are growing by leaps and bounds, transforming Africa's international relations in a dramatic way. Although the overall impact of China and India's engagement in Africa has been positive in the short-term, partly as a result of higher returns from commodi...