Working Paper
Cooper, AbbieBeyene, Abebe DamteBluffstone, RandallGebreegziabher, ZenebeLaFave, DanielMartinsson, PeterMekonnen, AlemuToman, MichaelDissanayake, Sahan T. M.Voigt, GeorgeCooper, AbbieBeyene, Abebe DamteBluffstone, RandallGebreegziabher, ZenebeLaFave, DanielMartinsson, PeterMekonnen, AlemuToman, Michael There is a growing effort in the
non-market valuation literature toward better understanding
of the stability and evolution of preferences over time. The
study uses a novel approach combining a repeated choice
experiment with a randomized controlled trial on stove
adoption in Ethiopia to analyze the s...