Meeting paper presenting a case study on development of a new form of cultural tourism based on village camp sites in Senegal - describes the implementation of this pilot project, which relies on the building of traditional camps and their management by the indigenous population, thus allowing the tourist maximum contact with traditional culture, discusses the inco...
Meeting paper presenting a case study on development of a new form of cultural tourism based on village camp sites in Senegal - describes the implementation of this pilot project, which relies on the building of traditional camps and their management by the indigenous population, thus allowing the tourist maximum contact with traditional culture, discusses the inco...
Meeting paper dealing with an experiment on educational television relayed by satellite broadcasting in Africa - Discusses the importance of audience reaction, especially of the school child, in considering transnational transmission of television programmes
Meeting paper dealing with an experiment on educational television relayed by satellite broadcasting in Africa - Discusses the importance of audience reaction, especially of the school child, in considering transnational transmission of television programmes
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