The report highlights the long history of commodification of land and labour in Ghana, linked to speculative activites and more recently to the activities of international capital, agribusiness, international agricultural centres and agencies of the state. It makes the case for a new land, agrarian and natural resource regime that prioritises domestic economic need...
How to Be a ‘Proper’ Women in the Time of AIDS is written as a piece of music for multiple voices. The voices of Katja Jassey and Stella Nyanzi – both professional women, both mothers, both anthropologists, one European, one African – are intertwined with the voices of other women (and men) telling about their lives coping with AIDS and/or struggling against the ep...
At the 1995 Zimbabwe International Bookfair the organisation of Gays and Lesbians in Zimbabwe was prevented from taking part. This opened up an unprecedented debate in southern Africa, which is conveyed in this report, together with a survey of African views on homosexuality, a global overview on homosexuality and the law, and an address list of human rights organi...
This Policy Note critically assesses the strengths and weaknesses of two competing school of thoughts on state-building and international aid in Somalia - the ”Marshall Plan” approach and the ”Social Contract” approach. It also proposes a third option - a transitional strategy that includes more support to municipalities as the source of the most practical, legitim...
Le présent document examine certains aspects fondamentauxdu processus d’ajustement du secteur agricole et alimentaire européen, dans le cadre de la réforme de la Politique agricole commune (PAC). Il met en évidence le changement d’outils politiques opéré par l’UE, illustré par l’abandon du soutien aux prix agricoles au profit du soutien aux revenus de ses agriculte...
In Nigeria there is a glaring absence of formal recycling of municipal waste. As a result, the informal sector has taken up the role of “critical but unacknowledged gap filler” in the waste recycling system, achieving low but significant recycling rates. This policy note deals with what can be done to improve recycling performance in Nigerian cities.
Muridism is a Sufi order which originated in Senegal, West Africa, at the end of the 19th century and is now in rapid expansion with the Senegalese emigrants around the world. Among the Murids the belief is strong that the founder Shaykh Amadou Bamba and his mother Mame Diarra Bousso can help them gain a better life on earth and entry into Paradise. The book gives ...
The India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum is a trilateral development initiative to promote South-South cooperation and exchange. The forum was launched with the adoptionof the Brasília Declaration in June 2003. Each of the three countries has ambitions to play a leading role in regional and global affairs. The role of the Group of Twenty (G20) in re...