This is the text of a public lecture which was delivered at Kulturhuset, Stockholm, on 27 April 1975.
The student organization Verdandi in co-operation with the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies (NAI) organized a special seminar on Tanzania for Verdandi members going to make a study visit in Tanzania in the summer 1969. During the ten meetings of the seminar various aspects of Tanzania's development - political, social, cultural and economic - were studied ...
FOTOUTSTÄLLNING Fotoutställningen "Afrika/har/ordet" består av bilder på 20 av de afrikanska författare som besökte Bokmässan i Göteborg 2010. De skriver prosa, poesi, drama och barn- och ungdomslitteratur på många olika språk. Utställningen representerar dessa många aspekter och innehåller bilder på representanter för en ny generation afrikanska författare liksom ...
Föredrag vid ett seminarium om Kooperationen i Östfrika, arrangerat av Nordiska Afrikainstitutet i samarbete med Kursverksamheten och SIDA den 12-14 november 1965 i Uppsala.
This paper is a revised version of a lecture delivered by Professor Amissah at the Faculty of Law, University of Uppsala, on 6 October 1972
Lecture given at the Africanists' day, May 31, 1980, at the Nordic Africa Institute. 13 pages.
A photo exhibition The photo exhibition "Africa/has/the/floor" includes photographs of 20 of the African writers who visited the Göteborg Book Fair 2010. They write prose, poetry, drama and literature for children and the youth. They write in many different languages. These many facets of African literature are represented in this exhibition, which includes photogr...
Förord av Karl Eric Ericson. 21 s.