森林仅占全球陆地面积略高于30%,然而却为绝大多数科学上已知的陆生动植物提供了栖息地。不幸的是,森林及其所蕴含的生物多样性继续受到来自将林地转为农地或对其不可持续攫取的威胁,而且其中大部分都是非法行为。 《2020年世界森林状况》评估了迄今为止在实现与森林生物多样性有关的全球目标和具体目标方面的进展,并从保护和可持续发展成果两方面考察了政策、行动和方法的有效性。报告中一系列案例研究提供了创新实践的例子,这些实践结合了森林生物多样性的保护和可持续利用,创造了实现人类和地球之间平衡的解决方案。
This guide seeks to improve the management of forests and trees for the provision of water-related ecosystem services. This can be achieved through an improved understanding of forest-water relationships and of their contribution to water and food security and community resilience, as well as through the inclusion of water considerations in forest and/or land-use p...
This publication provides practical guidance for carrying out forest vulnerability assessments in the context of climate change. It describes the elements to be considered for different time horizons and outlines a structured approach for conducting assessments. The framework will guide practitioners in carrying out a step-by-step analysis and will facilitate the c...
Los bosques cubren poco más del 30% de la superficie terrestre mundial, sin embargo, son el hábitat de la gran mayoría de las especies de plantas y animales terrestres conocidas por la ciencia. Desafortunadamente, los bosques y la biodiversidad que en ellos habita continúan amenazados debido a las acciones para convertir la tierra en agricultura y también a los niv...
Les forêts recouvrent à peine plus de 30 pour cent de la superficie des terres émergées et cependant elles abritent une vaste majorité des espèces végétales et animales terrestres connues. Malheureusement, les forêts et la biodiversité qu’elles renferment demeurent menacées par la conversion en terres agricoles ou par une exploitation, pour une grande part illégale...
This paper reviews forestry reform in the Congo basin, focusing on Gabon. It argues that the key challenge for the Congo basin countries is to manage their forests in a sustainable manner. It presents the current situation of forestry taxation and forestry reform in Gabon. The paper analyzes optimal taxation in the forestry sector using a static model. The model wo...
This paper reviews forestry reform in the Congo basin, focusing on Gabon. It argues that the key challenge for the Congo basin countries is to manage their forests in a sustainable manner. It presents the current situation of forestry taxation and forestry reform in Gabon. The paper analyzes optimal taxation in the forestry sector using a static model. The model wo...
This paper reviews forestry reform in the Congo basin, focusing on Gabon. It argues that the key challenge for the Congo basin countries is to manage their forests in a sustainable manner. It presents the current situation of forestry taxation and forestry reform in Gabon. The paper analyzes optimal taxation in the forestry sector using a static model. The model wo...