For the civil war-weary Republic of South Sudan, 2016 began on a propitious note with combat operations ceasing. Armed conflict has created a humanitarian crisis, taking a toll of tens of thousands of lives and undermining the economy of Africa's youngest country, which achieved independence from Sudan in 2011. Any territorially insecure African state becomes a vac...
For the civil war-weary Republic of South Sudan, 2016 began on a propitious note with combat operations ceasing. Armed conflict has created a humanitarian crisis, taking a toll of tens of thousands of lives and undermining the economy of Africa's youngest country, which achieved independence from Sudan in 2011. Any territorially insecure African state becomes a vac...
For the civil war-weary Republic of South Sudan, 2016 began on a propitious note with combat operations ceasing. Armed conflict has created a humanitarian crisis, taking a toll of tens of thousands of lives and undermining the economy of Africa's youngest country, which achieved independence from Sudan in 2011. Any territorially insecure African state becomes a vac...
For the civil war-weary Republic of South Sudan, 2016 began on a propitious note with combat operations ceasing. Armed conflict has created a humanitarian crisis, taking a toll of tens of thousands of lives and undermining the economy of Africa's youngest country, which achieved independence from Sudan in 2011. Any territorially insecure African state becomes a vac...
The barbarisms committed by both antagonists in the country's civil war show why national reunification is elusive.