Incl. report of the meeting of a Group of Experts on the Consolidation of the Facades and Interiors of the Abu Simbel Temples and the Reconstitution of the Site, Cairo-Abu Simbel, 1962.-Report of the third session of the United Arab Republic Consultative Committee concerning the Safeguarding of the Sites and Monuments of Nubia, Cairo, 1962.-Report of the second mee...
Incl. report of the meeting of a Group of Experts on the Consolidation of the Facades and Interiors of the Abu Simbel Temples and the Reconstitution of the Site, Cairo-Abu Simbel, 1962.-Report of the third session of the United Arab Republic Consultative Committee concerning the Safeguarding of the Sites and Monuments of Nubia, Cairo, 1962.-Report of the second mee...
Incl. appendix I: Report of the fourth session of the United Arab Republic Consultative Committee concerning the Safeguarding of the Sites and Monuments of Nubia, Cairo, December 1963; appendix II: Report of the Meeting of Archaeologists convened by the Commissioner for Archaeology to Discuss the Future of the Nubian Monuments Campaign in the Republic of the Sudan,...