Denna bok handlar om Afrikas Horn, en brytningspunkt mellan det svarta och det arabiska Afrika, där olika stormaktsintressen skärs mot varandra. Kejsarväldet i Etiopien störtades 1974 och har avlösts av en serie militärregeringar. Somalia och Etiopien har varit i krig 1963 och 1977-78 om den somaliska befolkningen i Etiopien, och bägge är intresserade av det nylige...
Conflict and State Building in the Horn of Africa
Conflict and State Building in the Horn of Africa
The Horn of Africa, comprising Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia, is the most conflict-ridden region in Africa. This book explores the origins and impact of these conflicts at both an intra-state and inter-state level and the insecurity they create. The contributors show how regional and international interventions have compounded pre-existing tensions...
The Horn of Africa, comprising Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia, is the most conflict-ridden region in Africa. This book explores the origins and impact of these conflicts at both an intra-state and inter-state level and the insecurity they create. The contributors show how regional and international interventions have compounded pre-existing tensions...
The Horn of Africa, comprising Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia, is the most conflict-ridden region in Africa. This book explores the origins and impact of these conflicts at both an intra-state and inter-state level and the insecurity they create. The contributors show how regional and international interventions have compounded pre-existing tensions...
The Horn of Africa, comprising Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia, is the most conflict-ridden region in Africa. This book explores the origins and impact of these conflicts at both an intra-state and inter-state level and the insecurity they create. The contributors show how regional and international interventions have compounded pre-existing tensions...