Global climate policies recognize the urgent need to address the inequitable impacts of climate change onsmallholder agricultural communities, but there is limited understanding of how to accomplish this in practice.We contribute to closing this gap through the design of a participatory qualitative methodology intended tonurture locally-led “transformative adaptati...
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of technical assistance provided by AFRITAC West (AFW) in the area of national accounts using the Fund's Technical Assistance Information Management System (TAIMS). The challenge has been to report on "ultimate outcomes" (i.e., the production and dissemination of national accounts statistics along best international practices) ...
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of technical assistance provided by AFRITAC West (AFW) in the area of national accounts using the Fund's Technical Assistance Information Management System (TAIMS). The challenge has been to report on "ultimate outcomes" (i.e., the production and dissemination of national accounts statistics along best international practices) ...
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of technical assistance provided by AFRITAC West (AFW) in the area of national accounts using the Fund's Technical Assistance Information Management System (TAIMS). The challenge has been to report on "ultimate outcomes" (i.e., the production and dissemination of national accounts statistics along best international practices) ...
Annexes: Matrices A1-A5, Discipline-oriented research.- Matrices B1-B6, Mission-oriented research and experimental development.- Matrices C1-C2, Scientific and technological public services
Annexes: Matrices A1-A5, Discipline-oriented research.- Matrices B1-B6, Mission-oriented research and experimental development.- Matrices C1-C2, Scientific and technological public services
Annexes: Matrices A1-A5, Discipline-oriented research.- Matrices B1-B6, Mission-oriented research and experimental development.- Matrices C1-C2, Scientific and technological public services
Annexes: Matrices A1-A5, Discipline-oriented research.- Matrices B1-B6, Mission-oriented research and experimental development.- Matrices C1-C2, Scientific and technological public services
Incl. bibl.