In Senegal, government commitment to nutrition has increased progressively in recent decades. Thecreation in 2001 of the Cellule de Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (the Nutrition Coordination Unit) (CLM) and its Bureau Exécutif National (the National Executive Bureau) (BEN) marked a major turning point, as did an increase in annual budget allocations to nutrition (fro...
In Senegal, government commitment to nutrition has increased progressively in recent decades. Thecreation in 2001 of the Cellule de Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (the Nutrition Coordination Unit) (CLM) and its Bureau Exécutif National (the National Executive Bureau) (BEN) marked a major turning point, as did an increase in annual budget allocations to nutrition (fro...
In Senegal, government commitment to nutrition has increased progressively in recent decades. Thecreation in 2001 of the Cellule de Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (the Nutrition Coordination Unit) (CLM) and its Bureau Exécutif National (the National Executive Bureau) (BEN) marked a major turning point, as did an increase in annual budget allocations to nutrition (fro...
In Senegal, government commitment to nutrition has increased progressively in recent decades. Thecreation in 2001 of the Cellule de Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (the Nutrition Coordination Unit) (CLM) and its Bureau Exécutif National (the National Executive Bureau) (BEN) marked a major turning point, as did an increase in annual budget allocations to nutrition (fro...
In Senegal, government commitment to nutrition has increased progressively in recent decades. Thecreation in 2001 of the Cellule de Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (the Nutrition Coordination Unit) (CLM) and its Bureau Exécutif National (the National Executive Bureau) (BEN) marked a major turning point, as did an increase in annual budget allocations to nutrition (fro...