Today, with only ten years to go in the 21st century, the modern African has become increasingly and excruciatingly aware of this concept of poverty and its implication in terms of social identity and cultural authenticity. In fact, conceptually, poverty is fast becoming a global paradox. By and large, poverty, in places far and near, has assumed the face of a chil...
The phenomenon of Pentecostalism has been exhaustively discussed as a contemporary and topical issue. Thus, Pentecostalization of African Christianity has become a new phenomenon that has engaged the attention of many scholars since the mid-1960s. African, perhaps, Nigerian Pentecostalism, has constituted the fastest growing Christianity in the world. A handful of ...
Nigerian people in the 21st century are faced with bad governance and leadership as a result of corruption, instability, senseless killings, insecurity, and among others. This idea of suffering also has praxis of humanity. Thus, where people experience evil, retrogression, anti-development and loss are substantially there undoing. Therefore, this undoing is the pro...