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Wake up to your True Identity


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More Details

AUC Library
Blessed Press
s. n.
ix, 167p.

Rewritten from the ground up, the second part of the book series, Wake Up To Your True Identity, is a collection of life-changing proverbs and commentaries, written specifically for black people around the world who were born outside of Africa. Unlike the first book, which taught us about our history and heritage; this book teaches us how to develop our character and spirit.  Ever since being dispersed from Africa, we've been indoctrinated by the racist philosophies of our oppressors and have been living by these lies for centuries. As a result of this mis-education, our personal and spiritual growth has been horribly stunted, causing us to be stagnant in almost every arena of our lives. Thus, explaining the continuous state of depression that "black people" seem to have globally. Contrary to popular belief, a lack of money is NOT the cause of our unhappiness, being mis-educated is. Knowledge is power, and since we have been wrongly taught; we don't have any power. So this book...


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