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Journal article

Cultural research management in Africa: challenges, dangers and opportunities


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Taylor & Francis

Much of Africa's archaeological heritage is under threat, partly as a result of modernisation and development. The current boom in infrastructural projects is causing an acceleration of irreversible destruction. This paper focuses on appropriate measures and action to minimise damage or loss through archaeological impact assessments (AIAs), subcomponents of environmental impact assessments (Déjà). It is argued that both AIAs and EIAs must be better integrated into national heritage legislations and operational policy guidelines by international donor agencies. However, to achieve this will take concerted efforts by the archaeological community to convince government officials, as well as multilateral development banks, of the socioeconomic benefits of cultural resources. Nevertheless, the process of commercialising the archaeological discipline may not come without challenges and risks. Issues of oversight, quality of work, and ethics, particularly regarding impacted communities,...


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