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Publications & Research :: Working Paper

Border Crossing Monitoring along the Northern Corridor


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World Bank, Washington, DC
2014-01-09T23:30:30Z | 2014-01-09T23:30:30Z | 2013-04

Border-crossing times in East Africa have been identified as a major constraint for smooth trade flows, both for regional trade and for international transit. Delays at borders disrupt efficient trade logistics, impacting on the transport costs and prices, and ultimately on trade competitiveness. In order to improve the efficiency of border crossings in East Africa, the East Africa Community (EAC) has resolved to convert the main border crossings into a Stop Border Post (OSBP), in which all border agencies from the two sides of the border coordinate their interventions, thus reducing documentation processing time. This program is supported by several multilateral and bilateral donors as component of their assistance to regional integration in the EAC. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section provides background information on the Northern Corridor. The second section presents the conclusions that can be drawn from the survey, presented in the Northern Corridor context with the key issues that will require further discussion among stakeholders and further action. From a wider perspective, this section also emphasizes the shift of relative importance that should be attributed to the hard and the soft agendas of border crossings based on the analysis of the impact of the changes at the Malaba border post.


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