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Washington, DC
Africa | Africa
2013-06-13T18:38:50Z | 2013-06-13T18:38:50Z | 2003

This volume presents the available relevant data for 1980-2000, grouped into fourteen chapters: background data, national accounts, prices and exchange rates, money and banking, external sector, external debt and related flows, government finance, agriculture, power, communications and transportation, public enterprises, labor force and employment, aid flows, social indicators, and environmental indicators. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction on the nature of the data, followed by a set of charts, statistical tables, and technical notes. These define the indicators and identify specific sources. Throughout this volume, data for Ethiopia include Eritrea up to 1992, except when otherwise indicated. Mauritius data are reported for fiscal years ending June 30. The data are data are published under the second year of the reporting period - for example, July 2000 to June 2001 is published under 2001. Therefore, in some cases (e.g., Government Finance) data for Mauritius may appear a year off compared to last year's publication, where data were published under the first year of the reporting period.


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