Pakistan’s economy continued to perform strongly owing to sound macroeconomic management and structural reform. Executive Directors advised that tight fiscal and monetary policies are required to reduce inflation and the external current account deficit while lessening pressures on real interest rates. They welcomed the enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering and Co...
Pakistan’s economy continued to perform strongly owing to sound macroeconomic management and structural reform. Executive Directors advised that tight fiscal and monetary policies are required to reduce inflation and the external current account deficit while lessening pressures on real interest rates. They welcomed the enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering and Co...
This study was carried out in association with an FAD technical assistance mission on public financial management issues. It focuses on transparency aspects of fiscal management reforms reviewed by that mission as well as implementation of key report on observance of standards and codes recommendations. A strong legal framework for coordinating fiscal and debt mana...
This paper discusses key findings of the Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Data Module for Pakistan. Based on the review of Pakistan’s statistical practices, recommendations are made that are aimed at strengthening Pakistan’s adherence to the internationally accepted practices, as well as at enhancing the usefulness of its monetary statistics. For ...