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A step towards peace: Disarmament in Africa


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AUC Library
Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
75p, maps
ISS monograph series; No.98

The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) illustrates how a crisis in one country can spark regional insecurities. Thus responses to conflict need to be based on a sub-regional context where local dynamics are assessed and incorporated into peace efforts. An important element of peace is the effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of former combatant. This monograph looks at one specific element of these efforts: disarmament. In the context of multinational peace support operations, disarmament has formed a key component. In Africa, disarmament programmes during peace-keeping operations have been conducted in Angola, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Liberia and the DRC, among other countries, with varying degrees of success. Over time, however, lessons have been learned in these efforts and the mplementation and successful conclusion of disarmament has, for example, recently been witnessed in sierra Leone. This monograph sets out to evaluate the...


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