The paper carries out a detailed analysis of the effects of R&D and human capital as well as their interactions with innovation on export behavior of manufacturing and service firms in Ghana using a dataset of 720 firms that merges the Enterprise, Innovative Capability and the Innovation Follow-up Surveys respectively for Ghana. Using a bivariate probit regression,...
GRANDS FIGURES AFRICAINES - L'homme dont ce livre raconte la grande épopée a parfois été présenté comme un chef de bande sans pitié, brutal et assoiffé de sang. Que Rabah ait eu parfois la main dure, personne ne peut le contester. Mais ce guerrier redoutable - comme Samory et Béhanzin - fut surtout, à la fin du XIXe siècle, un organisateur hors pair et un résistant...
Genuine, periodic, free and fair elections are one of the key defining features of a vibrant multi-party democracy. They provide a public mechanism for regular peaceful institutional competition for power and the opportunity for people to change, review or legitimise government through their freely expressed will. This article interrogates the behaviour of South Af...