La question des professionnels du droit sur le continent africain, et plus particulièrement des avocats, est rarement abordée par les chercheurs en sciences sociales. S'inspirant de l'ethnographie des administrations publiques en Afrique, de la sociologie des professions et de la socio-anthropologie du droit anglo-saxonne, cet article propose d'aborder le parcours ...
This piece is drawn from a larger project that asks what it might mean to write a cultural history or "biography" of the longest highway in South Africa, the N2. Influenced by literature on the everyday, on infrastructures and the "infra-ordinary," my approach pays attention to the highway as a material artefact. Who builds, maintains and manages it; who makes thei...
Kenya has become a site of, and frame for, the contradictions of queer livability on one hand and queer visibility on the other. Despite virulent attacks by the political and religious section of the country against queer sexual expression, there is a visible queer existence that is predicated on embodied lived experiences and spatial subjectivity. In this paper, I...