A book of photographs that centre on visualizing mining worlds, notably the worlds of artisanal and small-scale gold miners working in the Brazilian and Surinamese Amazon, and in parts of West and East Africa. Often this gold mining is portrayed in negative, stereotyped, and homogenizing ways. Since miners typically operate in the shadows of the law, their lifeways...
The continent of Africa is rich in minerals needed by Western economies. Yet the mining industry contributes very little to African development. Investigating the impact of the 2003 Extractive Industries Review on a number of African countries, the contributors find that a key dimension of the problem lies in the regulatory frameworks imposed on African countries b...
The current global green mineral boom is driving increased mining exploration in Africa. The African Union has outlined shared visions to leverage the continent’s mineral reserves and youth boom in pursuit of sustainable development and socio-economic transformation. Achieving these goals requires mineral-rich African economies to transition from commodity export t...