This manual for the compilation of gross domestic product (GDP) was prepared by the Statistics Depart-ment of the African Development Bank as a training material for regional member countries. It is based on the materials prepared for the regional workshops organized by the African Development Bank within its statistical capacity building (SCB) program. The deploy...
This is the twenty-second volume of the publication on Indicators on Gender, Poverty, the Environment and Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in African Countries by the Statistics Department of the African Deve - lopment Bank Group. The publication provides information on the broad development trends relating to gender, poverty, environmen...
This lessons note is part of a knowledge series prepared by Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or ‘the Bank’) to share lessons from evaluations of agricultural initiatives by the AfDB, other Multilateral Development Banks, and development partners. The note shares key lessons with the Management and the Board of Di...